Friday, February 29, 2008


Yes, we're the Scottish booth, and our dialect and menu will more closely communicate this in 2008.
While we know we're adding Rhonni's famous Apple Pie Porridge (or parritch in dialect); we're looking for more opportunities to roll our RRRRRRs while describing the shop's offerings.

Coming up with new items is hard work, but we're on the trail for you.

March 9th through the 11th, we'll be at the International Restaurant and Foodservice Show in NYC

April 7th and 8th we'll be taking classes at the Great American Dessert Experience Show in Atlanta, GA.

June 29th through July 1st, we'll be attending and (we won't lie) enjoying the heck out of the NASFT Fancy Food Show in NYC.

Och aye, a Scot's work is ne'er doon.

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